nutrition education
Our nutrition education program helps participants to understand the value of good nutrition. Nutrition plays a significant part in the overall wellness of your body, mind and emotions. Food is where we all receive nutrients to keep our bodies in optimal health. Our workshops will cover all the topics to help the participants make the best food choices to live a life of health and wellness. We also provide practical steps that can be implemented immediately to effect the change participants want to see in their body.
salad or smoothie social

Our Salad Social and Smoothie Social is a fun time when you get your coworkers, community, family members or any group of people together to create beautiful salads and learn about health and wellness. The Salad Social allows people to be creative and try different salad combinations. We also teach you how to make eating vegetables an adventure with a variety of colors. The smoothie social teaches your participants a variety of combinations of smoothies that can boost your health by still remaining fun and refreshing. It is a great time to come together while fueling your body with great food.